Please recycle any bubble wrap, plastic wrap, cardboard or paper packaging and do not return them with your bag.
Please be sure to rinse any jars, bottles and silver insulated sleeve before returning. If there's a deposit sticker on your bottle, write your first and last name on the sticker to make sure we credit the deposit amount to your account.
Live in a house? Please read about our box return program!
We offer box pickup, alongside your other Fresh City reusable items! Simply leave them on your front porch for pickup with your next delivery.
Please recycle any damaged or soiled boxes as we will not be able to reuse them.
Do not break down the boxes when you leave them out for our drivers to pickup with your next delivery.
Place all other reusable items - such as Fresh City or Mabel's jars or bottles, foil bags, gel packs - in one box and leave the others empty.
Please refrain from sending us other household waste or recycling.
Live in a condo/building? Please recycle your boxes.
At this time, we cannot accommodate box pickup from buildings, but we will continue to collect your other reusable items. Please recycle your cardboard boxes. According to The City of Toronto Waste Wizard, you should flatten the box and place it in the Blue Bin.
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