Enjoy FREE delivery, FREE perks, EXCLUSIVE deals and offers with our Seasons Pass Membership. Over $450 in value for just $79 annually!
Check out all of the benefits here!
FREE Delivery - Always
- Unlimited free deliveries from Fresh City for a whole year!
NEW! FREE Nutritional Consultation
- Enjoy a FREE one hour virtual initial consultation with a Nutritionist. Choose from our roster of amazing Nutritionists to find the one that best suits your needs.
Additional Benefits
- FREE Products & Giveaways added to your deliveries at least 12 times per year.
- EXCLUSIVE In-Store Offers
- UNIQUE Experiences - events, classes and workshops (virtual or socially distanced)
- EXCLUSIVE invitations and discounts for Seasons Pass Member only.
Over $450 in value for just $79 annually!
Your Seasons Pass will be renewed each year but you can opt out at any time.
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